Take the Pebble out of your Shoe

What little to-dos are messing with your life?

Take the Pebble

Out of Your Shoe

a person sitting on the ground with a bunch of seashells on a towel
a person sitting on the ground with a bunch of seashells on a towel

Have you ever gone on a hike or a walk and found you have a pebble in your shoe? Sometimes it's annoying, and often, it hurts.

But how many times do we continue on rather than stopping to take it out immediately? We all have pebbles in our life. Things we want to be done with, but put off doing.

One of my most recent pebbles was a leaky flapper in a toilet. It started having problems a few months ago. Just a little burbling here and there. It took a month to actually go and buy the kit to change out the insides of the toilet. Then guess what? Another month to change it. Then the chain was too long and needed to be adjusted or it would occasionally get caught under the plug and wasted more water than it ever did before.

Each of these pebbles was so annoying. Each one was fixed in less than a half-hour. How much time did I spend annoyed and complaining about each one? Much, much longer.

Plan some time this week to get a pebble out of your shoe. Or better yet, get it done right now. After you do, get back on and brag about it.