Road Trip Snacks

Healthy Snacks for trips or when you're on the go.

Road Trip Snacks

  • Granola bars

  • String cheese

  • homemade crackers

  • baby carrots

  • Oatmeal bites

  • Pretzels and hummus cups

  • Yogurt

  • Fruits, berries, grapes, bananas, apples

  • Trail mix

  • Nuts

  • Jerky

  • Olives

  • Boiled eggs

  • Snap peas

  • Dried or freeze-dried fruit

    Let me know what your favorite go-to road trip snacks are. Here's to many great trips this year.

I love a good road trip, but I found in the past having the wrong snacks can make me feel awful and the beginning and or end of the trip. And no one likes to feel sick on a trip. As a kid we'd go on Sunday afternoon drives and explore roads we'd never been down. I love the adventure. It's the best when you find somewhere to stop and explore and wonder how long it's been since the last person walked in that same spot. So you gotta have good snacks for a good trip. Here are some of my favorite go-to's.